National Level Crossing Framework
Sector: Rail
Client: BombardierCarillion JV
National framework upgrading level crossings. As part of the project Readypower was awarded a subcontract for various level crossing upgrades, with scope including:
- New foundations for Barrier machines, Lighting columns, Road Traffic Lights, Signalling equipment, CCTV Cameras and REBs
- Construction of UTX’s and URX’s
- Surface, buried and elevated cable route
- Resurfacing highway and road markings.
- Footpath and highway realignment
- New fencing and gates
- Retaining structures
- New crossing surface Polysafe and Strail16 No foundations
Construction Phase
The construction programme for various level crossing upgrades was phased to allow for commissioning dates at respective crossings. Critical path was adhered to ensuring commissioning was successful. Works were delivered over a rolling 12 months programme, utilising internal resource and management.
“It has been a pleasure working with you all and everyone has played their part within the team. There has been excellent collaborative behaviours displayed between all the disciplines and this is the key to delivering these crossings.”
Project Manager, JV
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