Specialist Drainage RRVs
Readypower Complete Drain Clearance (RCDCL) own and operate the most modern bespoke drain jetting and vacuuming rail mounted machines, in the UK.
These machines can be hired with a three man team direct from RCDCL for work anywhere in the UK. They can also be hired with a full ‘wrap around’ POS planning and site management service from our other group company Readypower Rail Services (RRSL).

Rail Cyclone 2 - CDC10
- Completed in 2021
- Hydrostatic 4 wheel drive on rail
- 4 wheel steering and crab steering for the tightest rail access points
- 28gpm at 2000psi jetting capability
- 5000cfm air moving suction for dirty water, debris and ballast
- 4500kg water and debris tanks
- Boom and jetting reel located over the front of the machine with wireless remote
- Max travelling cant 200mm
- Max working cant 150mm
- Max working gradient 1:25 – mn radius curve 80m
- 340hp stage 5 diesel engine complying with latest emission regulations
- All round visibility with 360◦ reversing and on/off tacking cameras
- 50hp diesel Emergency Recovery Engine allowing all machine functions

Rail Cyclone 2 - CDC7
- Completed in 2018 the rail cyclone is a jet/vac unit
- 260hp cummins diesel engine
- 4 wheel drive / 4 wheel steer / crab steer
- Hydrostatic rail drive system
- Emergency recovery engine
- 5 tonne debris tank
- 5000 cfm air mover
- 5250 litre water tank
- Jetting 28 gpm at 2000psi
- 360 degree omnivue camera system

DAF Vactor x 2 – CDC 5 & CDC 6
- Original machines
- 3500 cfm air mover
- 1950 psi water pump jetter
- 850 gallon water tank
- 4 ton debris tank
- Reversing camera
- Self recovery (CDC 6 only)
We’re here to help
For more information or to enquire about a service call 0118 9774 901, or call our 24 Hour on Call number 0800 0902407, or email us