Readypower complete gardening and maintenance day at Sebastian’s Action Trust

On Wednesday 7th August, Readypower completed a gardening & maintenance volunteer day at Sebastian’s Action Trust in Crowthorne, it was a lovely day and great for our team.

Sebastian’s Action Trust prior commented: ‘The Woodlands’, acquired in spring 2018 is continuing to develop, and there are many projects planned for the remainder of the year to improve the site much further. These are very varied from Woodland development to building projects. This is a very exciting time as we are increasing the range of facilities on offer to our families. Volunteers are very special to us and are vital to the work of the Trust.

Our team of volunteers thoroughly enjoyed their day, here’s some comments from the team below.

“It was a lovely day and great for our team.”

“The Sebastian’s team and the trust provide such fantastic support it is very humbling for us to see even a part of that.”

“We are grateful that we could help albeit in a small way.”

“We are glad we could make a small difference and look forward to seeing Woodlands completed very soon. A fantastic place.”

To find out more about the project and how you can help, visit